Title: Chisholm Chance Act (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to the Chisholm Chance Act.
12/29/2020 - PREFILED. 12/29/2020 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH. 01/06/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/06/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH.
This searchable legislative database brings you up-to-date, real-time information about scope of practice legislation that has been introduced in the 50 states and D.C. You can search legislation by state, topic, keyword, year, status or primary sponsor.
Please note: this database has been expanded since 2017. Some provider types may not be searchable for all years.
Page 9 of 281 Results
Title: Chisholm Chance Act (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to the Chisholm Chance Act.
12/29/2020 - PREFILED. 12/29/2020 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH. 01/06/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/06/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH.
Title: Community Paramedicine Services (Public Text Link )
Summary: Authorizes collaborative programs for community paramedicine services.
12/22/2020 - PREFILED. 12/22/2020 - To ASSEMBLY Committee on HEALTH. 01/06/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/06/2021 - To ASSEMBLY Committee on HEALTH.
Title: Hepatitis a and Hepatitis b Immunizations (Public Text Link )
Summary: Amends the Education Law, authorizes pharmacists and certified nurse practitioners to provide hepatitis A and hepatitis B immunizations.
01/06/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/06/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION.
Title: Practice Of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (Public Text Link )
Summary: Modifies the laws governing the practice of advanced practice registered nurses, designates these provisions as the Better Access,.
03/17/2021 - INTRODUCED. 03/17/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE. 03/23/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE: Recommended referral. 03/23/2021 - In HOUSE. To second reading. Read a second time. 03/23/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH.
Title: Occupational Licenses (Public Text Link )
Summary: Requires an occupational licensing authority to issue a license or government certification to an applicant who hold a license, government certification, or private certification or has satisfactory work experience in another state under certain circumstances.
03/10/2021 - INTRODUCED. 03/10/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE. 03/16/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE: Recommended referral. 03/16/2021 - In HOUSE. To second reading. Read a second time. 03/16/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT.
Title: Biennium Operation Budget (Public Text Link )
Summary: Makes operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023, levies taxes, provides authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
02/16/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/16/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE. 02/17/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE: Recommended referral. 02/17/2021 - In HOUSE. To second reading. Read a second time. 02/17/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on FINANCE. 04/21/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on FINANCE: Recommended as substituted. 04/21/2021 - In HOUSE. Read third time. Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE. 04/22/2021 - To SENATE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE. 04/28/2021 - From SENATE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE: Recommended referral. 04/28/2021 - In SENATE. To second reading. Read a second time. 04/28/2021 - To SENATE Committee on FINANCE. 06/09/2021 - From SENATE Committee on FINANCE: Recommended as substituted. 06/09/2021 - In SENATE. Read third time. Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE for concurrence. 06/10/2021 - HOUSE refused to concur in SENATE amendments. 06/15/2021 - *****To CONFERENCE Committee. 06/28/2021 - CONFERENCE Committee Report adopted by SENATE. 06/28/2021 - CONFERENCE Committee Report adopted by HOUSE. 06/28/2021 - Eligible for GOVERNOR'S desk. 06/30/2021 - Enrolled. 06/30/2021 - Line Item Vetoed by GOVERNOR. 06/30/2021 - Session Law No. 30
Title: Licensure As a Chemical Dependency Counselor (Public Text Link )
Summary: Modifies the requirements that may be met for licensure as a chemical dependency counselor II, modifies the professionals who may supervise certain individuals providing prevention services.
02/03/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/03/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE. 02/04/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE: Recommended referral. 02/04/2021 - In HOUSE. To second reading. Read a second time. 02/04/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH. 02/23/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on HEALTH: Recommended passage. 02/25/2021 - In HOUSE. Read third time and amended. 02/25/2021 - In HOUSE. Read third time. Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE. 02/25/2021 - To SENATE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE. 03/03/2021 - From SENATE Committee on RULES AND REFERENCE: Recommended referral. 03/03/2021 - In SENATE. To second reading. Read a second time. 03/03/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH. 05/19/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH: Recommended passage. 06/24/2021 - In SENATE. Read third time. Passed SENATE. 06/28/2021 - Enrolled. 07/01/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 07/01/2021 - Session Law No. 42
Title: Practice of Optometry (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to professions and occupations, relates to the practice of optometry, modifies scope of practice, provides an effective date.
01/22/2021 - PREFILED. 02/01/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/02/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on BUSINESS AND COMMERCE. 02/10/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on BUSINESS AND COMMERCE: Do pass as substituted. 02/22/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE. 03/15/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. 04/05/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Do Pass. 04/20/2021 - Passed SENATE. 04/20/2021 - Referred for Enrollment. 04/21/2021 - *****To GOVERNOR. 04/26/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 04/27/2021 - Chapter No. 223
Title: Public Health (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to public health, relates to death certificates, authorizes an advanced practice registered nurse to sign a death certificate, provides an effective date.
01/20/2021 - PREFILED. 02/01/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/02/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH. 02/24/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH: Do pass. 03/02/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE. 03/15/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. 04/05/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Do Pass. 04/21/2021 - Passed SENATE. 04/21/2021 - Referred for Enrollment. 04/22/2021 - *****To GOVERNOR. 04/27/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 04/28/2021 - Chapter No. 247
Title: Physician Assistants (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to physician assistants, relates to the Physician Assistant Committee, modifies number of annual meetings, requires chair to be physician assistant.
01/20/2021 - PREFILED. 02/01/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/02/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. 02/22/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Do pass as substituted. 02/22/2021 - Title Stricken. 03/11/2021 - Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE. 03/22/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH. 04/07/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH: Do pass as amended. 04/07/2021 - Enacting clause stricken. 04/21/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE for concurrence. 04/28/2021 - SENATE refused to concur in HOUSE amendments. 04/28/2021 - *****To CONFERENCE Committee.
Title: Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act, relates to prescriptive authority of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, modifies prescriptive authority of certain Certified Nurse Practitioners, relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act, relates to prescriptive authority, directs the Oklahoma Board of Nursing to promulgate certain rules.
01/19/2021 - PREFILED. 02/01/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/02/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES.
Title: Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act, relates to prescriptive authority of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, modifies prescriptive authority of certain Certified Nurse Practitioners, relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act, relates to prescriptive authority, directs the Oklahoma Board of Nursing to promulgate certain rules.
01/19/2021 - PREFILED. 02/01/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/02/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES.
Title: Practice of Dentistry (Public Text Link )
Summary: Relates to the practice of dentistry, relates to application for license and accepted examinations, provides for failure of clinical examination, provides for temporary modification of examination and licensure requirements in certain circumstances, relates to specialist licenses, modifies qualifications of specialty education program, relates to emergency temporary licenses for dentistry or dental hygiene, relates to oral maxillofacial surgery assistant permits, provides for teledentistry.
01/14/2021 - PREFILED. 02/01/2021 - INTRODUCED. 02/02/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. 02/22/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Do pass. 03/02/2021 - Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE. 03/22/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH. 03/31/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH: Do pass as substituted. 04/22/2021 - Amended on HOUSE floor. 04/22/2021 - Title Stricken. 04/22/2021 - Enacting clause stricken. 04/22/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE for concurrence. 04/28/2021 - SENATE refused to concur in HOUSE amendments. 04/28/2021 - *****To CONFERENCE Committee. 05/18/2021 - CONFERENCE Committee Report submitted. 05/18/2021 - Title restored. 05/19/2021 - CONFERENCE Committee Report adopted by SENATE. 05/19/2021 - CONFERENCE Committee Report submitted. 05/25/2021 - CONFERENCE Committee Report adopted by HOUSE. 05/25/2021 - Referred for Enrollment. 05/25/2021 - *****To GOVERNOR. 05/28/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 05/28/2021 - Chapter No. 566
Title: Physician Assistant Practice Requirement (Public Text Link )
Summary: Removes requirement that physician assistant practice under supervising physician.
01/21/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/26/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 01/28/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 02/04/2021. 02/04/2021 - Public Hearing held. 03/19/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/25/2021. 03/25/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/30/2021. 03/30/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/01/2021. 03/30/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/08/2021. 04/08/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/13/2021. 04/13/2021 - Work Session held. 04/19/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Do pass with amendment. 04/19/2021 - Printed A Engrossed Text. 04/26/2021 - In HOUSE: Second Reading. 04/27/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE. 04/29/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 04/29/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 05/10/2021. 05/10/2021 - Public Hearing held. 05/13/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/17/2021. 05/14/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/19/2021. 05/18/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/24/2021. 05/24/2021 - Work Session held. 05/25/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/26/2021. 05/26/2021 - Work Session held. 06/02/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Do pass with amendment. 06/02/2021 - Printed B Engrossed Text. 06/03/2021 - In SENATE: Second Reading. 06/07/2021 - Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE for concurrence. 06/08/2021 - HOUSE concurred in SENATE amendments. 06/09/2021 - Eligible for GOVERNOR'S desk. 06/23/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 07/07/2021 - Chaptered. Chapter No. 349
Title: Licensed Optometrist to Prescribe and Administer Drugs (Public Text Link )
Summary: Authorizes licensed optometrist to prescribe and administer vaccines and epinephrine and diphenhydramine injections.
01/21/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/26/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 02/01/2021 - Assigned to HOUSE Subcommittee on COVID-19. 03/04/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 03/08/2021. 03/12/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/22/2021. 03/19/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/08/2021. 03/22/2021 - Work Session held. 03/22/2021 - Returned to Full Committee. 03/23/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/25/2021. 06/26/2021 - In committee upon adjournment.
Title: Dental Hygienist and Therapeutic Restoration (Public Text Link )
Summary: Allows expanded practice dental hygienist to perform interim therapeutic restoration.
01/11/2021 - PREFILED 01/19/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/19/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 02/19/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 03/04/2021. 03/04/2021 - Public Hearing held. 03/12/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/23/2021. 03/23/2021 - Work Session held. 03/26/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Do pass. 03/30/2021 - In HOUSE: Second Reading. 04/01/2021 - Rules suspended. 04/05/2021 - Rules suspended. 04/07/2021 - Rules suspended. 04/09/2021 - Rules suspended. 04/10/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE. 04/15/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 04/19/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 04/21/2021. 04/21/2021 - Public Hearing held. 04/23/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/28/2021. 04/28/2021 - Work Session held. 05/11/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Do pass. 05/11/2021 - In SENATE: Second Reading. 05/12/2021 - Passed SENATE. 05/13/2021 - Eligible for GOVERNOR'S desk. 05/21/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 06/10/2021 - Chaptered. Chapter No. 69
Title: Ophthalmic Surgery Procedures (Public Text Link )
Summary: Provides that licensed optometrist may perform specified ophthalmic surgery procedures.
01/11/2021 - PREFILED 01/19/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/19/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 01/28/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 02/04/2021. 02/04/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 02/11/2021. 02/11/2021 - Public Hearing held. 02/12/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 02/16/2021. 02/15/2021 - Public Hearing Cancelled 02/16/2021. 02/16/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 02/18/2021. 02/18/2021 - Public Hearing held. 03/19/2021 - Public Hearing and Possible Work Session scheduled 03/30/2021. 03/26/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/30/2021. 03/30/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/01/2021. 04/01/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/06/2021. 04/06/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/08/2021. 04/08/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/13/2021. 06/26/2021 - In committee upon adjournment.
Title: Dental Therapist Licenses (Public Text Link )
Summary: Directs the Oregon Board of Dentistry to issue dental therapist licenses to qualified applicants, prohibits unlicensed use of title dental therapist and practice of dental therapy, provides exceptions to prohibition, requires dental therapist to purchase and maintain liability insurance, requires dental therapist to dedicate majority of practice to specified patient populations, directs board to consult with dental therapists and dental therapist organizations in rulemaking.
01/11/2021 - PREFILED 01/19/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/19/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 02/19/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 03/04/2021. 03/04/2021 - Public Hearing held. 03/10/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 03/18/2021. 03/12/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/23/2021. 03/18/2021 - Public Hearing held. 03/23/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/25/2021. 03/25/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/30/2021. 03/30/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/01/2021. 04/01/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/06/2021. 04/06/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/08/2021. 04/08/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/13/2021. 04/13/2021 - Work Session held. 04/19/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Do pass with amendment. 04/19/2021 - Printed A Engrossed Text. 04/26/2021 - In HOUSE: Second Reading. 04/27/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE. 04/29/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 04/29/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 05/10/2021. 05/10/2021 - Public Hearing held. 05/10/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 05/12/2021. 05/12/2021 - Public Hearing held. 05/13/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/19/2021. 05/19/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/24/2021. 05/24/2021 - Work Session held. 05/25/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/26/2021. 05/26/2021 - Work Session held. 06/01/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Without recommendation. 06/01/2021 - To SENATE Committee on RULES. 06/04/2021 - Public Hearing and Possible Work Session scheduled 06/08/2021. 06/08/2021 - Public Hearing held. 06/09/2021 - Work Session scheduled 06/10/2021. 06/14/2021 - Work Session scheduled 06/15/2021. 06/15/2021 - Work Session held. 06/18/2021 - From SENATE Committee on RULES: Do pass with amendment. 06/18/2021 - Printed B Engrossed Text. 06/21/2021 - In SENATE: Second Reading. 06/22/2021 - Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE for concurrence. 06/23/2021 - HOUSE concurred in SENATE amendments. 06/24/2021 - Eligible for GOVERNOR'S desk. 07/19/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 07/30/2021 - Chaptered. Chapter No. 530
Title: Health Care Provider who Prescribes Opioid (Public Text Link )
Summary: Requires health care provider who prescribes opioid to offer prescription for naloxone, or similar drug, and educational material under specified circumstances.
01/11/2021 - PREFILED 01/19/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/19/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 02/10/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 02/16/2021. 03/19/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 03/25/2021. 03/19/2021 - Work Session scheduled 03/30/2021. 03/26/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 03/30/2021. 03/26/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/01/2021. 03/31/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 04/01/2021. 03/31/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/06/2021. 04/01/2021 - Public Hearing held. 04/06/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/08/2021. 04/08/2021 - Work Session scheduled 04/13/2021. 06/26/2021 - In committee upon adjournment.
Title: Definition of Practice of Nursing (Public Text Link )
Summary: Amends definition of practice of nursing, changes deadline for renewal of nursing licenses and nurses' authority to prescribe, relates to the Oregon State Board of Nursing.
01/11/2021 - PREFILED 01/19/2021 - INTRODUCED. 01/19/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 02/01/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 02/08/2021. 02/08/2021 - Public Hearing held. 02/16/2021 - Work Session scheduled 02/22/2021. 02/22/2021 - Work Session held. 03/03/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Do pass with amendment. 03/03/2021 - Printed A Engrossed Text. 03/04/2021 - In SENATE: Second Reading. 03/10/2021 - Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE. 03/22/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE. 04/22/2021 - Public Hearing Scheduled 04/29/2021. 04/29/2021 - Public Hearing held. 05/07/2021 - Work Session scheduled 05/13/2021. 05/13/2021 - Work Session held. 05/17/2021 - From HOUSE Committee on HEALTH CARE: Do pass with amendment. 05/17/2021 - Printed B Engrossed Text. 05/19/2021 - In HOUSE: Second Reading. 05/20/2021 - Rules suspended. 05/24/2021 - Passed HOUSE. *****To SENATE for concurrence. 05/26/2021 - SENATE concurred in HOUSE amendments. 05/27/2021 - Eligible for GOVERNOR'S desk. 06/08/2021 - Signed by GOVERNOR. 06/15/2021 - Chaptered. Chapter No. 189
Title: Insurance Coverage of Teledentistry (Public Text Link )
Summary: Provides for teledentistry, authorizes the regulation of teledentistry by the board, provides for insurance coverage of teledentistry.
07/14/2021 - FILED. 07/20/2021 - INTRODUCED. 07/20/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE.
Title: COVID-19 Vaccine (Public Text Link )
Summary: Provides for Coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine.
05/19/2021 - INTRODUCED. 05/19/2021 - To SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. 05/24/2021 - From SENATE Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. 05/24/2021 - In SENATE. Read first time. 06/09/2021 - In SENATE. Read second time. 06/09/2021 - Rereferred to SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS.
Title: State Board of Medicine (Public Text Link )
Summary: Provides for State Board of Medicine and for physician assistants.
03/11/2021 - INTRODUCED. 03/11/2021 - To SENATE Committee on CONSUMER PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE. 06/08/2021 - From SENATE Committee on CONSUMER PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE. Reported as amended. 06/08/2021 - In SENATE. Read first time. 06/14/2021 - In SENATE. Read second time. 06/14/2021 - Rereferred to SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS. 06/25/2021 - From SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS. 06/25/2021 - In SENATE. Read third time. Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE. 06/28/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE.
Title: Osteopathic Medical Practice Act Amendments (Public Text Link )
Summary: Amends the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, relates to the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine, prohibits the practice of osteopathic medicine and surgery without license, relates to licenses, exemptions, nonresident practitioners, graduate students, biennial registration and continuing medical education.
03/11/2021 - INTRODUCED. 03/11/2021 - To SENATE Committee on CONSUMER PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE. 06/08/2021 - From SENATE Committee on CONSUMER PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE. Reported as amended. 06/08/2021 - In SENATE. Read first time. 06/14/2021 - In SENATE. Read second time. 06/14/2021 - Rereferred to SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS. 06/25/2021 - From SENATE Committee on APPROPRIATIONS. 06/25/2021 - In SENATE. Read third time. Passed SENATE. *****To HOUSE. 06/28/2021 - To HOUSE Committee on PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE.
Title: Professional Nursing Law Amendments (Public Text Link )
Summary: Amends the Professional Nursing Law, provides for title, for definitions, for State Board of Nursing, for dietitian-nutritionist license required, for unauthorized practices and acts not prohibited, for temporary practice permit, for graduates of schools of other states, territories or Dominion of Canada, for persons entitled to practice, for certified registered nurse practitioners and qualifications, for scope of practice for certified registered nurse practitioners.
Topic | Explanation |
Addiction Counselors | Addiction counselors work with people with substance use disorders. Legislation includes changes to certification or licensure processes, supervision requirements and scope of practice for addiction counselors. |
Community Health Workers | Community health workers are frontline public health workers who are trusted members of and/or have a deep understanding of the community served. Legislation includes changes to certification or licensure processes, Medicaid and private insurance reimbursement, and scope of practice for community health workers. |
Community Paramedics | Community paramedics provide care for patients at home or in other non-urgent settings outside of a hospital under the supervision of a physician or advanced practice provider. Legislation includes the creation or changes to community paramedicine programs, certification or licensure processes, Medicaid and private insurance reimbursement, and scope of practice for community paramedics. |
Dental Hygienist – Direct Access | Direct access refers to the ability of a dental hygienist to initiate treatment based on their assessment of a patient’s needs without the specific authorization of a dentist, treat the patient without the presence of a dentist and maintain a provider-patient relationship. |
Dental Hygienist – Prescriptive Authority | Prescriptive authority refers to a dental hygienist’s authority to prescribe medications such as fluoride, antimicrobial solutions and anesthetics, among others. |
Dental Therapists | Dental therapists provide specified dental services, at dental offices or other approved practice sites, especially in rural and underserved areas. Legislation includes changes to licensure and certification requirements, Medicaid reimbursement, prescriptive authority and scope of practice for dental therapists. |
Licensed Professional Counselors | Licensed professional counselors—also referred to as licensed mental health counselors—are mental health service providers who have a relevant master’s or doctoral degree. Legislation includes changes to authority or ability to diagnose to diagnose a patient’s mental illness without having to refer patients to other licensed professionals. |
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (NP) – Medication-Assisted Treatment | Legislation includes codifying nurse practitioner (NP) authority to prescribe medication-assisted treatment. |
NP – Practice Authority | Practice authority can be defined as a nurse practitioner’s (NP) ability to practice with or without physician oversight. |
NP – Prescriptive Authority | Prescriptive authority refers to a nurse practitioner’s (NP) authority to prescribe medications. |
NP – Primary Care Provider | Some states explicitly identify a nurse practitioner (NP) as a primary care provider, such as allowing NPs to pursue certification in adult-gerontology or pediatric primary care as a defined population focus. |
Optometrist – Authority to Perform Ophthalmic Procedures | Authority to perform ophthalmic procedures includes optometrists’ ability to perform common ophthalmic procedures within their scope of practice including contact lens fitting, annual eye exams and foreign body removal. Some states grant optometrists the authority to utilize surgical and laser privileges. |
Optometrist – Injectable Authority | Injectable authority refers to optometrists’ ability to administer injections including for the treatment of anaphylaxis, other medications or vaccinations. |
Optometrist – Prescription of Controlled Substances | Prescription of controlled substances refers to optometrists’ ability to prescribe certain classifications of controlled substances. |
PA – Medication-Assisted Treatment | Legislation includes codifying physician assistant authority to prescribe medication-assisted treatment. |
Physician Assistant (PA) – SOP Determination | Scope of practice determination refers to whether a physician assistant’s scope of practice is determined at the practice level, by a state medical board or state law. |
PA – Prescriptive Authority | Prescriptive authority refers to a physician assistant’s authority to prescribe medications. |
PA – Supervision Requirements | Supervision requirements refer to whether a physician assistant is required to practice under the supervision of or in collaboration with a physician either at the practice level, by the state medical board or in state law. |
Peer Support Specialists | Peer support specialists use their lived experience of recovery from mental illness and/or addiction, plus skills learned in formal training, to provide behavioral health services, education, recovery support and connection to other services. Legislation includes changes to licensure and certification requirements, and Medicaid and private insurance reimbursement of peer support specialists. |
Pharmacist – Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine | Pharmacists are authorized to administer vaccines in all 50 states, but the type of vaccine and the age of a patient varies by state. Some states authorized pharmacists to administer the COVID-19 vaccine after the public health emergency ends. |
Pharmacist – Prescription Adaptation | Prescription adaptation refers to a pharmacist’s authority to modify medication regimens from the original prescriber to improve a patient’s health outcome, either independently or in collaboration with the original prescriber. |
Pharmacist – Prescription of Hormonal Contraceptives | Prescription of hormonal contraceptives refers to a pharmacist’s authority to prescribe contraceptives without having a collaborative practice agreement in place. |
Pharmacist – Prescription of Tobacco Cessation Aids | Prescription of tobacco cessation aids refers to a pharmacist’s authority to prescribe tobacco, smoking or nicotine cessation aids without having a collaborative practice agreement in place. |
Teledentistry | Teledentistry uses technology to provide and support dental care services remotely, including face-to-face consultations via video conference, sharing images and records among providers, and monitoring patients. Some states reimburse for teledentistry services through Medicaid and/or commercial insurance providers. |
Other Dental Bills | Legislation allowing dental therapists and dental hygienists to perform other tasks or procedures that are not captured in the specific categories above. |
Other Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Bills | Legislation allowing nurse practitioners to perform other tasks or procedures that are not captured in the specific categories above. |
Other Physician Assistant Bills | Legislation allowing physician assistants to perform other tasks or procedures that are not captured in the specific categories above. |